Sem. Larry D. Herrold, Jr. Vicar [email protected] Vicar Larry is serving his ELCA internship with us, providing worship leadership and pastoral care to Beaver Lutheran Church. He was born and raised in Sunbury, PA, and earned his BA from Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, where he now resides. After graduating from "SU" he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship which enabled him to earn a MA from the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. After internship he will have earned his MDiv from United Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg, PA. While his academic background is in the study of the early modern English Atlantic world, Vicar Larry has a deep love of liturgy that drew him to ministry in the Church and parish life. He continues to read, write, and publish in his field even as he serves God's people. Love of the sacraments and the traditions of the Church are at the center of who he is and his calling to care for others. Vicar Larry and his fiancée Grace enjoy gardening, outdoor recreation, physical fitness, and spending time with their dog and two cats. He can be contacted in case of pastoral emergencies by calling 570-259-7933.
Sara Mattern Church Secretary [email protected] Sara grew up in Belleville, Mifflin County and moved to Snyder County following her marriage in 1994. Prior to the birth of her son in 1997, she had been employed by a weekly newspaper, the “County Observer”. While at the Observer she was the head typesetter and did advertising layout as well as job printing. Following the birth of her son Sara felt the need to find a church home in Snyder County. After some searching, God led her to Beaver where she immediately felt a connection with the church and its people. When the need for a new secretary arose in 2008, she decided it was time to get back to work and feels blessed to be able to share the skills learned at the newspaper with her church family. Sara, her husband and son live on a farm in West Beaver Township, McClure, where they raise a few steers. She also admits to being a “dog addict”, presently having seven (including one grandpup) that include three beagles, three basset hounds and a chocolate lab (the grandpup).
Michelle Bixler Church Musician and Choir Director [email protected] Michelle was raised in Beavertown and began playing piano when she was four years old and picked up the saxophone in fourth grade. She participated in all of the musical groups, both instrumental and vocal during her time in the Midd-West School District. Following high school graduation, she attended Mansfield University and earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in Music Therapy. Upon graduation, she worked in various facilities as a Board Certified Music Therapist over the next 20 plus years, living in New Castle PA, Ithaca NY, and then back to Beavertown, finally settling in Troxelville. She then had the opportunity to take organ lessons from Pastor Steve Middernacht and eventually inherited the organist position at her home church, Messiah Lutheran, in Troxelville. Michelle performs in both civic and professional music groups, including the Penn Central Wind Band and the Generoo Vocal Ensemble. She also teaches piano and vocal lessons. In 2016 she received her Master of Science degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling through Walden University. She began her new career at Conewago Snyder, working as a drug and alcohol counselor for 10 months. From there, She moved into working as an outpatient counselor trauma specialist in Yeagertown for UCBH, now CenClear. She loves variety in her life, and she certainly is afforded that in her current position, seeing clients ranging in ages four and older, with a variety of diagnoses including autism, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. Michelle adds, “Having the opportunity to make music with you allows for me to acquire more of the much needed balance and creative musical outlet on which I continue to thrive.”